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What is a Do-it-yourself (DIY) Investment?

Do-it-yourself investment, a guy using a  phone screen representing DIY investment
Do-it-yourself (DIY) Investment


In an era where financial independence is increasingly valued, the concept of Do-It-Yourself (DIY) investment has emerged as a significant trend, empowering individuals to take charge of their financial future. This approach allows for a more personalized and hands-on management of investments.

What is a Do-it-yourself (DIY) Investment approach?

DIY investment refers to the process of individuals managing their investment portfolios without the direct aid of financial advisors or traditional investment managers. This approach revolves around self-education, personal decision-making, and utilizing online platforms and tools to execute trades and manage assets.

Growing Popularity

The DIY investment trend has gained momentum, driven by the increased adoption of digital technologies and the rise of user-friendly online platforms. A Report and Data study predicts the global online investment platform market size to reach $65.7 billion by 2028, highlighting the significant growth in this sector. Moreover, the digital era has made a wealth of information and learning resources readily available, allowing individuals to make informed decisions.

Benefits of DIY Investment

  • Control and Customization: Investors have complete control over their investment choices, allowing for a portfolio that truly reflects personal goals, risk tolerance, and values. This desire for greater control and transparency is a key factor driving the demand for DIY platforms.

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to traditional managed funds, DIY investing platforms typically charge lower fees, offering a more cost-effective approach to investment management.

  • Education and Empowerment: The availability of online resources and communities has bolstered investor confidence and financial literacy, encouraging more individuals to manage their finances independently.

The Role of Tools Like Wealthor

While DIY investing offers numerous benefits, it also requires a certain level of knowledge and expertise. Tools like Wealthor facilitate DIY investment by providing a comprehensive platform that offers Investment portfolio creation, unified asset management, tracking options, boosting suggestions, educational modules, and AI assistance. These tools simplify the investment process, making it more accessible for individuals who may be new to the concept.

The Current State of DIY Investing

  • User-Friendly Platforms: The proliferation of user-friendly DIY investment platforms has made it easier for individuals to get started with investing. As reported by Charles Schwab, Millennials are the most likely generation to use DIY investment tools, showcasing a shift towards digital and autonomous investment management.

  • Financial Advisor Role: Despite the rise of DIY investing, financial advisors remain a mainstay for many investors, providing professional advice and guidance, especially in complex market conditions that's why a mix of digital tools with access to a human advisor can facilitate the right environment as a platform to support DIY investment approach.

Risks and Considerations

  • Self-Responsibility: You are solely responsible for your investment decisions.

  • Expertise and Resources: You may lack the same level of expertise and resources as traditional investment advisors.

  • Time Investment: Researching and managing investments can be time-consuming.


DIY investment tools have emerged as valuable resources for individuals seeking to take control of their financial futures. With platforms like Wealthor providing the necessary tools and resources, self-directed investing has become more accessible and efficient. However, it's crucial to carefully weigh the risks and benefits before fully committing to this approach.

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